For the Beyond Sharia Project
Books (monographs)
- (2024) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., Of Piety and Heresy: Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad Ghazzālī’s Persian Treatises on Antinomians, Berlin: De Gruyter.
Edited Books
- (2024) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., (ed.), Sufi Non-Conformism: Antinomian Trends in the Persianate Traditions, ed. A.A. Seyed-Gohrab, Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2024
- (2024) Lewis, F., Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., Shabani-Jadidi, P. (eds.), The Art of Teaching Persian Literature From Theory to Practice, Leiden / Boston: Brill.
Articles and Chapters
- (2024) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Ḥakīm Sanā’ī’s Innovations and His Impact on Persian Poetry,” in Persica: International Journal of Persian and Iranian Studies, No. xxviii, pp. 35-58.
- (2024) Ghajarjazi, A., “Becoming Landscape: Towards a Theory of Image in Jāmī’s Salāmān u Absāl,” in Persica: International Journal of Persian and Iranian Studies, No. xxviii, pp. 1-17.
- (2024) Noorian, Z., “Book Review of Alexandre Papas, Thus Spake the Dervish, Sufism, Language, and the Religious Margins in Central Asia, 1400-1900″, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019, in Persica: International Journal of Persian and Iranian Studies, No. xxviii, pp. 217-222.
- (2024) Ghajarjazi, A., “A Polemic on Knowledge: An Analysis of two Persian Quatrains,” in Sufi Non-Conformism: Antinomian Trends in the Persianate Traditions, ed. A.A. Seyed-Gohrab, Leiden: Leiden University Press, pp. 179-201.
- (2024) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “‘Umar Khayyam’s Transgressive ethics and their Socio Political Implications in Contemporary Iran,” in Sufi Non-Conformism: Antinomian Trends in the Persianate Traditions, ed. A.A. Seyed-Gohrab, Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2024, pp. 155-177 (earlier appeared in Iran-Namag, Volume 5, Number 3, pp. 68-93).
- (2024) Noorian, Z., “Nakhshabī (d. 751/1350) on the Nose,” in Islamic Sensory History: 600–1500, Volume 2, eds., Christian Lange and Adam Bursi, Leiden: Brill, pp. 304-414 (
- (2024) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Appropriating Hafez’s ghazals for Shiite rites and rituals in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” in British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 51(2), 2024, pp. 336-346 (
- (2024) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., Zhālah Qāʾim-Maqāmī and the Functions of Poetry (
- (2024) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Teaching Persian Literature in Europe: A Case from the Netherlands,” in The Art of Teaching Persian Literature From Theory to Practice, eds., Franklin Lewis, Asghar Seyed-Gohrab, Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi, Leiden / Boston: Brill, pp. 74-101.
- (2024) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A. and Williams, A., “Rūmī (d. 627/1273) on Sensory Perception,” in Islamic Sensory History: 600–1500, Volume 2, ed. by Christian Lange and Adam Bursi, Leiden / Boston: Brill, pp. 461-475.
- (2023) Ghajarjazi, A., “Rumi’s sprekende beelden: Het verhaal van het kind in het vuur”, in ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 19, no 2, p. 91-98.
- (2023) Ghodratzadeh, A., “Rumi en krankzinnigheid: De wijze die krankzinnigheid veinsde”, in ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 19, no 2, p. 99-106.
- (2023) Holtzapffel, M., “Rumi en de vrienden van God. Het verhaal van Mozes en de herder”, in ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 19, no 2, p. 59-66.
- (2023) Holtzapffel, M., “Rumi en de Vlucht als Lotsbestemming (Recensie)”, in ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 19, no 2. p. 36-41.
- (2023) Naghshvarian, F., “De problematisering van waarheidsteksten: De olifant en het soefisme”, in ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 19, no 2, p. 27-34.
- (2023) Nieweg, A., “Rumi de meesterverteller: over de papegaai in de kruidenierszaak en de passerende derwisj,” in ZemZem: Journal about the Middle East, North Africa and Islam, 19, no 2. p. 67-75.
- (2023) Noorian, Z., “Van aardse liefde naar Goddelijke Liefde. De concubine en de koning”, in ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 19, no 2, p. 76-83.
- (2023) Rahimi-Bahmany, L., “Rumi en de kunst van krankzinnigheid”, in ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 19, no 2, p. 108-114.
- (2023) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A. & Holtzapffel, M., “Inleiding”, in ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 19, no 2. p. 8-9.
- (2023) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Rumi in de Woman, Life, Freedom-beweging in Iran”, in ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 19, no. 2, p. 84-90.
Book Reviews
- (2023) Noorian, Z., “Review of Kamran Talattof, Nezami Ganjavi and Classical Persian Literature: Demystifying the Mystic, Palgrave MacMillan, 2022,” in Iranian Studies, 56, No. 4, 842–45 (
- (2023) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A. “Review of Domenico Arturo Ingenito, Beholding Beauty: Saʿdi of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry, (Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures, vol. 41), Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2020”, in International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 55, Issue 1, 2023, pp. 171-173.
- (2023) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Review of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyam: A New Translation from the Persian based on the edition of Mahmud Yerbudaki with a historical epilogue by Juan Cole: London / New York: I.B. Tauris, 2020″, in Bibliotheca Orientalis, LXXX N° 1-2, January-April, pp. 187-189.
- (2023) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Review of Christopher Melchert, Before Sufism: Early Islamic Renunciant Piety, (Islam – Thought, Culture), Berlin & New York, Walter de Gruyter, 2020”, in Bibliotheca Orientalis, LXXX N° 1-2, January-April, pp. 196-201.
- (2025) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Dogs in Islamic Mystical Thought” (for a Dutch version see here), at Beyond Sharia.
- (2025) Ghajarjazi, A., “Rustam Resurrected: 20th-Century Technologies and the Afterlife in the First Persian Science Fiction”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2024) Holtzapffel, M., “Rūmī and the Friends of God: The Story of Moses and the Shepherd”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2024) Rahimi Bahmany, L., “Mīrzā Fatḥ-ʿAlī Ākhūndzāde and His Idea of Protestantism in Islam”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2024) Nieweg, A., “Rumi over Virtue Signalling,” at Utrecht Religie Forum.
- (2024) Naghshvarian, F., “Romantic Ascetics and Epic Lovers: From Niẓāmī’s Majnūn to Feyżī’s Nal”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2024) Naghshvarian, F., “The Elephant Parable”, at Utrecht Religie Forum.
- (2024) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Een Perzische Valentijn: Ik kniel voor je neer, geen deur naar de Kaaba is open”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2024) Noorian, Z., “King and Concubine: is Rumi as Forgiving in Love as He is Depicted Online?”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2023) Holtzapffel, M., “Rumi and Erasmus: Humanism from East and West”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2023) Ghajarjazi, A., “A Smile without a Mouth”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2023) Noorian, Z., “Jahān-Malik Khātūn (d. about 1393): A Pioneer in Transgressing Iranian-Muslim Gender Norms”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2023) Nieweg, A., “De Kharabat in Erdbrink en Poëzie: Een geschiedenis van non-conformistische islam en muziek,” at Utrecht Religie Forum.
- (2023) Nieweg, A., “The Same old Story (or Song): the kharābāt from 12th century Ghazna to contemporary Kabul,” at Beyond Sharia.
- (2023) Nieweg, A., “De Kharābāt in Erdbrink en Poëzie: een Centrum van Kritiek op Orthodoxie”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2023) Naghshvarian, F., “The Litanies of Absence: Mughal India Meets the Italian Renaissance in Rushdie’s ‘The Enchantress of Florence'”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2023) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Jezus en de hond”, at Utrecht Religie Forum.
- (2023) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Can Religion and Love Go Together?”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2023) Ghajarjazi, A., “The Fez-man in Crisis: The Case of Gilbert James, at Beyond Sharia”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2023) Noorian, Z., “Hair: An Islamic Gendered Limit” at Utrecht Religie Forum | Hair: An Islamic Gendered Limit (
- (2023) Noorian, Z., “Rape and Rule”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2022) A. Nieweg, “An Abusive Imitation of Barāye: A Protest Song So Powerful the Regime Made a Counter Version”, at Beyond Sharia (for Persian version click here).
- (2022) Holtzapffel, M., “Orwellian Iran and the Hijacking of Classical Persian Poetry”, at Beyond Sharia (for Persian version click here).
- (2022) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “For Woman, Life, Liberty”, at Beyond Sharia (for Persian version click here).
- (2022) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Voor vrouw, leven, vrijheid”, at Beyond Sharia (for Persian version click here).
- (2022) Holtzapffel, M., “What is Muslim Piety: The Prayer Selling Merchant”, at Beyond Sharia (for Persian version click here).
- (2022) Naghshvarian, F., “Encountering ʿAyn al-Qużāt’s Tamhīdāt in Iran’s Antagonism of Mullocracy”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2022) Noorian, Z., “A Worn-out Veil is Not the Foundation of Being a Muslim”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2022) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “We Veil our Eyes Instead of our Women’s Faces”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2022) Ghajarjazi, A., “Remembering the Critical Khayyam: A Reflection on Abdelkader Benali’s comments on Khayyam”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2022) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Rumi en de Nacht”, at Utrecht Religie Forum.
- (2022) Seyed-Gohrab, A.A., “Kissed Through a Poem”, at Beyond Sharia.
- (2024) Video “Beyond Sharia: Asghar Seyed-Gohrab on the Role of Sufism in Shaping Islam”
- (2024) Video “Beyond Sharia: Amin Ghodratzadeh on Wise Fools that Address Hypocrisy among Believers”
- (2024) Video “Beyond Sharia: Alexandra Nieweg on Qalandars Ignoring Islamic Rules”
- (2024) Video “Beyond Sharia: Maarten Holtzapffel on Non-Conformist Ideas in Rumi’s Poetry”
- (2024) Video “Beyond Sharia: Zhinia Noorian on the Role of Women in Sufism”
- (2024) Video “Beyond Sharia: Arash Ghajarjazi on Secularity in the Persian Cultural Area”
- (2024) Video “Beyond Sharia: Fatemeh Naghshvarian on Divine Religion in Mughal India”
- (2024) Video “Beyond Sharia: Leila Rahimi Bahmany on Freethinkers and Vernaculars in Anatolia”
- (2021) Interview with A.A. Seyed-Gohrab: “De Sharia voorbij: de rol van het soefisme bij de vorming van de islam“, 27 October 2021.
- (2024) Opinion: “Als we geen kritische denkers opleiden, gaan we de despoten achterna“, NRC Handelsblad, 13 December 2024.